In Nidaros Cathedral we have some outstanding organs.

The Steinmeyer Organ

The church's main organ is a romantic instrument from 1930, built by the German company G.F. Steinmeyer. In 2007 a decicion was made to start a restoration process. Orgelbau Kuhn AG from Switzerland restored the organ, and it was inaugurated in 2014.

With its 127 voices and seven works divided between four manuals and a pedal, it is one of the largest church organs in Scandinavia. It is installed in the western part of the cathedral.

Steinmeyerorgelet. Photo: Siv Smedseng

The Wagner Organ

We also have a cultural treasure in the northern transept; the Wagner organ - a baroque organ from 1741, built by German organ builder Joachim Wagner. Large Baroque organs in such good condition are unusual, and the organ is considered a national treasure.

The Wagner Organ (Photo: Karina Lein)
Nidaros Cathedral's third large organ, mainly located in the church's east nave.